Learning and Fun, combined perfectly!
Get In Touch
Monday – Wednesday:
Thursday – Friday: 1PM – 10PM
Saturday: 10AM – 8PM
Sunday: Closed
Phone: +97444826222
Monday – Wednesday:
Thursday – Friday: 1PM – 10PM
Saturday: 10AM – 8PM
Sunday: Closed
Phone: +97444826222
Like all great stories, KidZania started with a big idea and a whole lot of passion. The kids of the world decided enough was enough – they were ready to build a better world. They were tired of the way adults were doing things, so they created their own nation – KidZania!
This was a world full of opportunities where kids could assert themselves and be responsible. This was a world full of possibilities for sharing ideas and gaining knowledge. And this was a world where kids could think and act independently from adults. What the kids envisioned, was a real world made perfect which ultimately made it "the place" where kids wanted to be.
Following the spirit of many independent thinkers in history, kids decided to mark this moment and write an official Declaration of Independence. This proclaimed their sovereignty as a group united in purpose and announced their new world's existence.
These Rights were fundamental to their beliefs and united them in principle and purpose, that were their guide towards achieving happiness.
After some consideration, the kids agreed upon the name for their Nation: KidZania. Roughly translated, it means ‘Land of Cool Kids’. It was short, easy to remember and it sounded really kool. Especially when they started calling themselves KidZanians, CitiZens of KidZania. All the kids loved it!
As with any sovereignty, KidZanians desired artistic representations of their identity to promote a feeling of community among the citizens. To achieve this, the children created The National Flag, the Independence Fountain, a currency called "KidZos", a unique language, a powerful National Anthem, a KidZania song, as well as the Eternal Spirit.
The Eternal Spirit is located at center of the Main Plaza inside KidZania. It commemorates the foundation of each KidZania city. The globe, symbolic of KidZania's reach and accessibility to kids everywhere, while the flame symbolizes the deep, burning desire in the hearts and minds of kids to make the world a better place.
The RightZKeepers of KidZania represent the ideals that are the basis of this Nation’s reason for being. They are considered the “Guardians" of KidZania’s most important RightZ: to Be, to Know, to Create, to Share, to Care and to Play. They all together join a great scope of diversity, characteristics, tastes and profiles.
Urbano, a 9-year-old boy, represents the “Right to Know”
Vita, a 7-year-old girl, represents the “Right to Care”
Beebop, a 10-year-old boy, represents the “Right to Create”
Chika, a 10-year-old girl, represents the “Right to Share”
Bache, a cheerful dog, represents the “Right to Play”
Bekha, a 11-year-old girl, represents the “Right to Be”
Just like in the real world, kids earn and spend money in KidZania. They use KidZos, our special currency, to take part in activities. It's a fun way for kids to learn about budgeting, spending, and saving – important skills for any future world-changer. As part of the realism of KidZania, children will reap the benefits of the working world by gaining financial literacy through learning how to budget, spend and save their money.
Understanding the Concept of Money
Keeping everyone safe and sound is Zuper important to us. KidZania Doha has a top-notch security system, so you can relax and let the kids have fun. Here's how we do it:
We want every child to feel welcome and included at KidZania Doha. Our goal is to help every kid discover their talents and have the best time ever!
The city has been designed to provide full accessibility for visitors with a special needs.
KidZania is an inclusive environment. Every child – regardless of physical impairment – can play and communicate with others. Each facility is designed to be fully accessible to those with disabilities. Additionally, KidZania’s employees are trained on how to interact with children with disabilities.
Getting Around – KidZania Doha is accessible to wheelchair users, with a lift and several accessible toilets, a variety of rest areas and all food and retail outlets are wheelchair friendly.
Awareness Patch– KidZania appreciates that not all disabilities are visible; therefore visitors have the option of wearing a free Awareness patch, which allows staff to easily identify where extra assistance and care may be required with visitors; particularly when dealing with evacuation procedures or emergency situations.